1st Conference of the European Platform
for Photodynamic Medicine
Hosted By: Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
Official PCO: Rahtanea
About EPPM-1

EPPM-1 is the first conference of the European Platform for Photodynamic Medicine. It will offer a balanced and integrated set of clinical presentations and basic scientific lectures, with broad space for presentations of short communications and posters.
One or two round tables will be organized with hot topics of general interests for all participants.

In June 2007, the EPPM was formed and was registered in the UK. The cynic would exclaim "Not another association" and there are always a few of those, in every walk of life. Like a "speed bump", cynics are a source of irritation, yet they are the kind of devils advocates which are good to have around to make us aware of the scenario of "what if things do not go smoothly", and to prepare for the echoes of "I told you so".

Prior to its formation a number of meetings took place amongst a steering committee consisting of six clinicians, six scientists (photobiologists/photochemists) and four representatives of industries involved in PDT products. These are the founders.1

Six of the above are directors of the company.2

Eleven of the founders are members of the Designate Council3 and one representative of the industry (drug and device companies) is coopted to the Council.

The EPPM is currently affiliated with The Journal PhotoDiagnosis, and PhotoDynamic Therapy (PDPDT). There is a plan for PDPDT to become the official journal of EPPM.

The objective of the EPPM as per its constitution is Promotion of photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy by the following means:

  1. To associate, researchers and those involved in the science and practice of Photodiagnosis and photodynamic medicine and to link with relevant existing organisations.

  2. To promote the propagation of clinical PDT through the training of clinicians and raising of awareness amongst students in training and the general public.

  3. To facilitate scientific research leading to clinical applications, to promote clinical trials and to identify new indications as well as to expand those already existing.

  4. To organise scientific meetings for the presentation of scientific and clinical work on photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy in their broader sense.

  5. To make presentation to National and Pan European authorities in matters concerned with photodynamic medicine and to seek finance for the advancement of photodynamic therapy.

Two of the innovative ideas in the EPPM are:

The first congress of the EPPM is planned for March 2008 (24-28) in Dubrovnik. The detail of this is included on the back cover of the current issue of the journal and the web site: www.eppm-1.irb.hr.

Giulio Jori PhD, Secretary General

Keyvan Moghissi MD, President

1 Founders: 2 Directors of the Company: 3 Designate Council:
K. Berg, Norway,
K. Moghissi (Chairman),
K. Moghissi (President),
D. Boucher, France,
G. Jori (Secretary),
H. Kostron (Vice Presdent),
C. Hopper, UK, P. Jichlinski (Treasurer),
G. Jori (Secretary),
P. Jichlinkski, (Treasurer),
H. Walt,
P. Jichlinski (Treasurer),
G. Jori, Italy (Secretary),
C. Hopper, H. Zorc (Chair of Conference
H. Kostron, Austria, D. Russell.             Organising Committee),
K. Moghissi, UK (Chair),   H. Walt,
T. Patrice, France,   D. Russell,
D. Provvedinni, France,   C. Hopper,
W. Rauschning, Germany,   K. Berg,
D. Russell, UK,   Y. Salomon,
Y. Salomon, Israel,   A. Sieron,
A. Sieron, Poland,   W. Rauschning (co-opted member).
H. Walt, Switzerland,    
K. Widerberg, Norway,    
H. Zorc, Croatia.